On Thursday, September 26th, we were proud to sponsor "The Beef Brawl" cook-off competition for the Audia Group of Companies (Washington Penn Audia Elastomers
Southern Polymer Uniform Color) at their biennial company event consisting of over 200 people in attendance.
Three exceptionally skilled professional chefs engaged in a thrilling cook-off, pushing the boundaries of culinary innovation as they created delectable and cutting-edge dishes utilizing the finest My Green Earth™ beef products:
- Chef Chris Hall (Aspen) - Grilled MGE Beef Meatballs
- Chef Miles Angelo (Aspen) - MGE Beef Tataki-n-Tartare
- Chef Mauro Elli (Italy) - MGE Beef Sirloin Carpaccio with White Truffle
There was a panel of four judges who each rated the chefs 1 through 5 (5 being the highest rating) for each of the below categories:
- Appearance / Presentation
- Execution
- Taste
- Creativity / Innovation
Congratulations to Chris Hall on becoming the 2024 "The Beef Brawl" Champion! His recipes are a staple for My Green Earth™. What an event! We'll be dreaming of those dishes for a while.